Thursday, September 22, 2005

45 North:The Exodus

Once I finally made it in to work Thursday night at 9:30pm, I was already to fall asleep. See, my slave master (Securitas Security) despite what Halliburton said (they let their people go home due to what Rita might do in the coming days). Decided that they HAVE to have somebody in the building to maintain...what,peace? I'm usually scheduled to come in on Thursdays. Couple that with the mass evacuation of Houston, nobody else would want to make that journey to work. About that mass evacuation though...alot of it is "voluntary evacuees".

Only folks in the usual Galveston area (low lying area on the Gulf of Mexico) were ordered to evacuate. But with what was witnessed from Katrina others weren't going to take any chances. The three main highways leading out of Houston (I-10, I-45 and Highway 59) were like a scene from a movie. Vehicles due to long hours on the road with just about every gas station out of gas. Plenty of those vehicles sat dormant along sides of the highway. Folks literally walked along side the moving vehicles, it was that slow. Guess evacuating roughly 2 million people would be,huh. Usually i'd link to some news and pictures to support my case but not this time. I'll let the media do it; let them scare everybody.

Getting back to those main highways, the designated escape routes. When did commercial trucks like Wal-Mart get to share highway space with the rest of the heard? Huge ass 18-wheelers cramming into lanes with already irritable people isn't a good look. That could've added to the snale pace causing what's usually a half hour drive into a 9 hour exercise in patience. Let this happen Friday...*throws up a peace sign*...I'm staying home and enjoying a Michelob while watching my roomate for the next few days in those jeans. She's coming from that Galveston was best she come inland around my the gentrified hood.



Blogger Kima Jones said...

enjoy the company

9:54 AM

Blogger LovelyBucket said...

Glad to know you are okay.

-The Bucket

3:58 PM


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