
It’s a fascinating thing being there for someone. Within the last few years I’ve made a concerted effort to do just that. I’ve heard it said that in order to see you’re shortcomings you should assist others in theirs. Not even just shortcomings but in the good times as well. Be happy for someone else’s success. When you unselfishly become part of someone else’s life, of course there’s a love to be had.
My crew The Porchmonks for example, that’s brotherly love. It’s rare (especially amongst black folks it seems) that a group of dudes from different walks of life; can come together on some band of the hand type of thing. We’re all scattered across the country now and of course different places in our lives. Still, we all keep in touch by and large over the phone or the internet. My cousin Jeremy, we’ve also become like brothers. We’re both trying to improve our positions in life. His younger brother Josh, to some extent I’ve become the mentor. When it comes to the arts and hiphop, I make sure his understanding reaches deeper than a lot of his peers. These guys are from the other side of the family I haven’t grown up with but again, it’s about making those ties that bind.
Yet as I grow older, learning to see a woman as a friend has been a bit more of a challenge. To be a friend pure and undaunted to a woman for me has been a work in progress. To still have my ex (Ms.Charles) who has been a large part of my evolution to this day, amazes me at times. I had an interesting talk with Ms.Charles and this urge of wanting her back swelled. Yet I know that it could never be and my “lane” with her is to continue being a good friend. All the while there’s Zoe who I’ve made my interests vehemently known to also become my ally. We’ve admitted to one another time and again how if we met “sooner”…in our college years, how things might’ve turned out differently. There’s still somewhat of a playful thing between us, the “what if” factor that adds to our dynamic.
((that last whole paragraph…damn, that dude sounds conflicted))
At any rate…my team is official…*salute*
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