Jonathan and his chubby friends

pimp kool aid
So here we are with one more week left of January. And Lil’Jon is still a mainstay on radio and in our psyche. The now famous constipated grunts of WHUT! & YEEEAHHH! Heard around the world has enjoyed a 2.5 to 3 yr run. Jonathan has diversified a bit by actually lending his talents to the likes of Nivea and upcoming music from Paris Hilton. With that said, this guy has defined and defied a lot of critic’s jabs. Defined in a sense of being revel-rousing chants that’s rather obnoxious, silly and buffoon like as well as being a gimmick. Again, here we are coming to the end of our first month of the New Year. This is where Jonathan defies those critics and could easily tell them to go duck a sick. For an Independent Label they are pushing 1,417,700 CDs as of the 6th of this month.
Yet…with all the success, the exposure (Thank Dave Chappelle too), will Jonathan do it again throughout this year? I mean, we’re already seeing a slip in Kanye’s Jesus two step.
I’ll give Jonathan through the summer than that’ll be it.
That is all,
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