Honkytonk Badonkadonk
*No this isn't about Brokeback Mountain*

Turn it up some
Alright boys, this is her favorite song
You know that right
So, if we play it good and loud
She might get up and dance again
Ooh, she put her beer down
Here she comes
Here she comes
Left left left right left
Husslers shootin' eightball
Throwin' darts at the wall
Feelin' damn near 10 ft. tall
Here she comes, Lord help us all
Ol' T.W.'s girlfriend done slapped him outta his chair
Poor ole boy, it ain't his fault
It's so hard not to stare
At that honky tonk badonkadonk ©Trace Adkins
That's right folks...even Country singers acknowledge the beauty of the posterior. A friend of mine pointed this song out to me. It's damn near soulful how this guy gets down. Proof positive that we're not that different...shit,who doesn't enjoy a song celebrating the badonkadonk? I think dude should link up with the original rumpshaker maker Teddy Riley (yep.yep) for a remix,y'know...click here / scroll down to get a sample of this guy's genius.
*Takes an L for this post*
3:39 PM
seems that honky and badonkadonk dont belong in the same sentence. when he wrote that song, you know he was gazing at a sista's booty. you KNOW it. they try to take everything from us, dang. let us have the booty music.
(sorry for venting in your comment space)
2:31 PM
lol@seems that honky and badonkadonk dont belong...
Oh yeah I'm sure he seen some Buffy the Body pics just like the rest of us,ha...they won't take the booty though...not all of it anyway...
3:34 PM
i saw this video a few days ago
buffy...is slowwwwwwwwwwwww
i saw her on rapcity
that sunflower tat is the worse
but i like sunshine
for sum reason
she's cute
in a weird way
w/ real titties
& spunky n sht
{it seems}
i cld hang out w/ her
5:56 PM
Jason...i support songs like these...
3:19 PM
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