Thursday, March 08, 2007

cyborg update...

Okay...this is my follow-up to a post I made sometime ago called cyborg. Where after a few beers and chatting with a buddy of mine who happens to be a tattoo artist, suggested I should get one. So as the story goes from the previous entry...yep, it's done...i digs it. Wraps on top, front and back of right shoulder...


Blogger The Bizza said...

That looks pretty dope. I dig the concept, too (Pardon me as I date myself by using ancient slang.)

2:01 PM

Blogger uncle_blak said...

dope is timeless,comrade...uck what'cha heard...

2:32 PM

Blogger trE said...

dude, that's hella fresh. makes me want to get my 3rd tatt before the end of next month... i know you're lovin' it too...

6:03 PM


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