for her pleasure...

So a buddy and i are on our way to flatstock20,right. To check out some cool poster designs and stuff. But before we get there, my buddy is going to a bridal shower later that night and wants to get her a gift. She decides to get something sexy and silly-so we go to this adult toy store...
She's going through the goods asking my opinion on a few of them. My whole thing is this-we're in a sex store, you really can't go wrong with anything here. Especially since these skimpy little things are gonna come off anyway-or not. Not really sure where this is going but hey-i snuck a few snapshots while in the place and even discovered Carmen Electra has her own line of pole kits...
I'm getting my blog swag back steadily,yall...
so, you buy anything for yourself? Boo!
5:24 AM
9:27 AM
nuts. absolutely nuts.
9:34 AM
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