Episode III = American Foreign Policy

So I’m watching Revenge of the Sith thinking to myself how alot of Senator Palpatine's stances were quite persuasive. The whole movie just seemed to be based on irony…the notion of how the road to hell is paved in gold. Anakin under the guise of wanting to do right by his future baby mama Padme; to keep the sinister visions he was having from coming to fruition. He would go on to join Palpatine, knowing full well he was an evil man. So long as he was able to keep his wife and unborn child safe. Palpatine banks on the fear and anger of Anakin to start his reign. With that…I think of what’s going on right now in the world. Thanks to the events of 9/11 and our cowboy-like approach to chasing these terrorists around the globe. America with its technological, financial and military might has waged a war without the rest of the world’s blessings. This isn’t all that deep…all I’m getting at is while some here in the USA sees this as the good fight…America to others here and abroad has become the empire it seeks to rid the world of. These days under the Bush administration plays out like a prequel to some real effed-up situations on the horizon. Bush banks on the fear and anger of Americans to start his reign.
ive never seen two minutes of any star wars episode ever. true story.
8:44 PM
There's actually a line in Sith where Anakin echoes Dubya with the line: "If you're not with me... then you're my enemy!"
11:23 AM
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