Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Steve Jobs is your father...

You like your Ipod don't you? It's sleek design beckoned you away from the PC's Creative Zen,huh. Apple which is owned by this guy is now using Intel Pentium processors (the heart of america's PCs)...
Now Steve has pull over at Disney...

I came up during the whole Mac vs PC days (which is still in existance). Me...I cross-plat but I prefer a Mac. He took Macs out of the stigma of only being a niche-market (graphic / multimedia designers) and made scaled down-affordable models to attract the Windows PC crowd. Dude is doing what all the great meglamaniacs have done before him. He just fills a void with a vengance till all competition ceases to exist. In this case, this guy co-opted the competition a'la The Borg...

*warm feeling in chest insues*


Blogger murderator said...

Jobs is the man. Apple rocks. I am a shareholder, and I am happy.

In the interest of balance, here's another point-of-view that's a little less favorable. Not saying I agree with it; just putting it out there.

8:05 AM

Blogger uncle_blak said...

On the evidence, he's nothing more than a greedy capitalist who's amassed an obscene fortune...

Yikes!...hey, maybe in a VERY indirect way through one of his ad campaigns he'll rebuke all of these charges..*shrugs*

Micheal Jordan makes a kiling in apparel yet we don't see his charitable works broadcasted on CNN. S'all good though...balance is good.

11:41 AM

Blogger Kima Jones said...


ill admit i love macs
& drink soymilk

im one of 'them'

5:40 PM

Blogger uncle_blak said...

love macs and soymilk?...

damn...you've become a hipster,lol.

7:00 PM

Blogger uncle_blak said...


I have a MacMini!...brand spankin'new w/keyboard and a mighty mouse. Since the package deal doesnt come w/a monitor, i'll get a flatscreen...eventually.

g'yeah...stay tuned!


12:33 AM


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