Thursday, February 09, 2006


I mean this gazillionaire / philanthropist just pocketed a few more bucks for her own channel on XM radio. Lemme hold somethin'...i'm good for it.



Blogger uncle_blak said...

I agree...she does come off a bit condescending towards specifically younger blk people on her show. As if she has to show her "market" that she's whipping those shiftless negroes into shape, fighting the great fight.
At the same time she does get results so far going into communities, hell...even creating new communities such as the case with Katrina victims. Setting up facilities in Africa and seems to be a trade-off. She's about the people but not so much about trying to be their friend, ha


4:41 AM

Blogger Kima Jones said...

i love op

6:43 AM

Blogger The Bizza said...

I'm not feelin her, but I'd love to have her review my book on her show.

Guess that kinda goes without sayin though...

10:49 AM

Blogger uncle_blak said...

lol @ having her atleast review your book...


10:57 AM


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