The Devil has spoken.

This wing nut somewhat jokingly said that "you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down". Than he sort of back peddle and broaden his stance by saying that it's not so much the aborting of black babies. It's the aborting of all babies since most crimes are done by the young. Dude...I hear what your saying, let's get your grand daughters tubes tied or if they're sexually active (we know the right doesn't believe in abortion other than for reducing crime). Let's make sure to abort those evil, god damn spawns before they can become of age and wreak havoc on society.
Funny, alot of people tend to use all things black as examples when it comes to crime or anything negative (some probably even say niggative). Maybe Kanye will have a comment for this guy cause Willie B. makes it known he don't like black people.
With the recent events going on in the Gulf Coast. It's good to know we as people, as Americans have finally come together,huh...
haul ass,