It’s a Monday afternoon and I had a few beers already.Tonight is New Year’s Eve and I’m not sure which direction I want this entry to go. Do I go the whole “reflective” route; harkening back over the year that was or do I focus on where I’m at as of this moment.
Okay, here’s where my thoughts and fingers are going...
Today I finally got around to updating my Registration sticker for the car. I’m no longer riding dirty as they say. Now once I get the right headlight repaired I wont draw attention to myself while driving these southwest streets at night (Font Bend Sheriffs-yeesh...). I still need to get more work on her done but at the same time alot has been done on her so...y’know, one step at a time.The past two weeks have been cool, work has slowed down a bit because of the holidays but I make sure I keep myself busy. Joe tells me I have “raw talent” and he’s somewhat surprise I haven’t been utilized at other places. Funny thing is-would Joe have even noticed me had I not sought him out? Let’s not forget I had to prove myself for 4 months before I was hired on full-time.We’ve since moved from talking about raw talent to how “we” can
better the business at the shop through using new kinds of software and stuff like that.
As previously stated the social side of things are improving.This past Saturday cousin and I were at one of the watering holes we frequent and it was this chick’s birthday. Cousin, he’s in good with her; fine dark-skinned chick who was announced to me as not really being into black guys. I was like eh-to be expected around these parts. But since the initial meeting we’ve all kinda grown to being cool.This past Saturday, she was all “gussied up” nicely. Letting the world see her beautiful chesticles. Later on I’d have the privilege of stuffing her thong with a birthday dollar-safe to say our bond has grown exponentially. “True Alief Stories” as cousin likes to call it could wield some good things in the coming year for me. I’m probably a shot and a snarky comment away from closing the deal with one of these broads.
Finally saw my own t-shirts through from start to finish. From concept to producing the stuff (Joe-my boss; is a bit of a hard-ass but he’s an OG to this so he knows what he’s talking about).This past weekend folks started receiving packages from me in the mail.The responses have been real good and for me as corny as it may seem-that means more than anything. Shout out to Asia, Knupsi, Landin, Ms. Charles and Stuart Design for pushing me to go with it. Ray Da’Wrecka-who’se been at the t-shirt game for a minute for even putting the idea in my head in the first place. I mean-me, Wrecka and m’man Mola-shiiieeet...we’re the grunts of the crew plus there's way too much talent between us not to make something really happen. Zoe too has played a key role too-along with giving a good word, we’re just literally around each other.The Artist and the Art Educator, just doing their thing all the while appearing over each other’s shoulder on some “How U doin'’...”
2007 has been chronicled-maybe it’ll be unearthed in a time capsule or something like that.There’s this saying I’ve kept throughout the year;“One step at a time”-that’s really all you can do in life.Well that and have a little faith too, bump that-a whole lot of faith. I could go on about some other stuff but it’s like...why? Everybody got their cross to bare, their race to run. I’m just doing one step at a time right in to the new year...
Wassup, world-my name is Vic, call me “Uncle”...
Oh of this past Thanksgiving, i’ve become a wine drinker...get up on it.