Warehouse Live

The week before I purchased myself a ticket to see Little Brother. The underground darlings who have that earnest appeal Blackstar once had. Them along with Dilated Peoples (headliners) and Defari were all on the bill. Just a few years back I started going to movies by myself so I figured now would be a good time to check out a concert by myself. For my sake it's cool cause if you go to these things with your buddies, testosterone tends to ruin an otherwise good night. Though my testosterone was punched up a notch when I made attempts to chat-up this young stallion. She looked at your boy like he had gout. This is where it's cool to be by yourself cause someone would've amped it up.
See where i'm from it's nothing for a chick to get stomped out. But we're bigger than that so the music played on. The opening act was a local group, The Legendary K-O (formally known as K-Otix). These dudes killed their set, strong mic presence, hot beats and all that good stuff. The thing about hiphop shows these days...folks just stare at niggas performing. While the K-O was doing their thing on stage, Uncle Blak was in the crowd gettin'his boogie on. That's what brought the chick I spoke of earlier to the story. Defari of the Likwid Emcees held his own with a solid performance. Than came the unofficial headliners Little Brother.
These dudes are characters, they have fun with it. The music was thick, the baselines engulf you. These fools like to chat it up with the crowd and for shits and giggles...bring out some of their crew and do routines a'la The Temptations. I don't own the Minstrel Show (Little Brother's latest Lp) but that was ok. They did stuff from their first release and just the vibe they had. You still could rock with'em when they did their newer material. The crowd was at it's pique when these cats came on...and rightfully so.
It was soulful...
Dilated Peoples; yeah...these guys are underground darlings too. I mean, I stuck around for a couple of their songs but. I'onno...something just sounds flat to me when I hear them. It's like they're a "This-is-how-you-rap" kinda group if that makes sense. Just my thoughts on them but what I noticed was a shift in crowd complexion. Non-melanins love these guys, they made their way to the front of a now open stage area.
Up until last night I was doing good with this Lent thing. I haven't touched any alcohol but than...i'onno,standing around I needed to have something in my hand,y'know? Warehouse Live is a cool place once you find it...ecclectic atmosphere, all types of music passes through this place.