Enterprising young man...

While reading tonight here at work, a thought hit me. There's only one thing of interest at this point in time. Well-outside of this Mosley book I’m reading anyway. Last week quietly I was setting up a business account, registering a company name and some other stuff. All of this being a culmination of what I've entertained in my head and shared with a few others. I've got "Uncle Vic's Custom Tees" up and going...well, sorta. Yes I’ve gone public if you will. I have some shirts made and ready to go, but there's some more things I need to do. So far as getting the word out is concerned.
Again this is a culmination of about 2 years in the making. I’m still working towards getting a heat press but coming across a neighborhood print shop whose many services include screen-printing. I had to take advantage of that now. It's quietly been an exciting time for me yet at the same time being too cool to be gitty about it w/others. As stated in another entry-I have a great need to turn in results. In this case it's to grow this business from the "grassroots" level I’m at now. Yet at the same time, being at the grassroots level-it feels good because this was born of my labor, my leg work. I wouldn't announce it like that but those in the know- know how I get down. I can tell this has lit a spark in my brother since he's always been about the almighty dollar. How you can’t work for someone forever if you’re about having something for real. He really wants to help and invest in this, and he will in time...I know he will.
For me-this is first and foremost about sticking to my guns, staying on my grind and just following through on what I’ve been about. Now the next phase (of many phases) is allowing others in-this always gets talked about doesn't it. But thus far-it's a good time right now. Creating a situation where I’m doing something I enjoy. Of course, of course, of course I can't forget the added help from Him who guides all of our steps (bows head)...