Bye, Bob...

So i'm watching the "Price Is Right" primetime special. Into my 4th Heineken and Felicity spun the wheel and won 10 grand for landing on the dollar. But it hit me-i'm watching the end of an era. 35 years of Bob and me turning 33 as of the 16th of May. I don't know, it could be part of some mid-life crisis. Many a weekday watching that show at Ms.Griffith's (RIP) before she took over the tv for her stories. From grade school through high school, alot of what was on TV started to deteriorate so far as interest but Bob and his ladies kept me coming back. Damn-the ladies, they titallated me like that game "Plinko". This is how it's played-from atop a platform you drop a disc and where it lands. You could get nothing or upwards of 10 grand like Felicity. Thing is, bumpers disrupt the disc on the way down.
But again the ladies, they escorted me through puberty. I could've swore after watching that show blonds were the way to go. But I see as of tonight Bob has no aversion for the sistas. One of them I could've swore was in that "Frontin" video w/Pharrel. In any event it's my birthday night and i'm downing beers. Later on that night i'd hit the local watering hole w/my cousin to catch the Suns / Spurs game. Couple of shots where had so I don't know what the score was. Later on freshly purchased breasts would be in my face for the rest of the night being that we ended up a titty-bar. Imma miss you Bob, they can cast a new host but...I don't know, you held it down when I was coming up. And on my birthday-you decide to walk away, I aint mad at you. I toasted the man w/a freshly cap-twisted bottle...senor Bob, salud.