
I heard it said recently that it's better to have lived your life the way you wanted to. At the very least you tried to anyway. See as I get older I come across more and more people telling about themselves with a hint of regret. A whole lot of "if I could have...blah,blah,blah". Seal wasn't kidding when he said you gotta be a bit crazy just to survive. Rhymefest put it in a line,"you gotta be delusional just to dream..." Well dammit-that's what i've been doing. And I see that too with the Houston Rockets. They're just doing their thing while everybody else is saying,"they shouldn't be here...". Lead by the likes of Shane Battier and america's beloved Ron Artest, the contrasting yet functioning styles of these guys. Have helped push their season through this upcoming Sunday.
Particularly on Artest's part-In the face of public opinion, this guy has made a whole city believe it can go all the way. This being achieved by his brand of b-ball. Also by honing who he is (crazy) and making it more digestible for the masses. Again, you gotta be a bit delusional just to dream-then have the balls to see it through. I salute you, Ron do you and might even take to the Rockets to where they haven't been since the mid-90's. Maybe it's me just projecting, or even more identifying. Yeah-it's both...projecting cause I see he's the underdog and identifying cause from him I see my own underdog status...
keep givin'em hell,man...