
See my old man was an artistic cat. He came up in a time when art wasn’t the best thing to pursue as a means of living. No one was around who truly supported what it is he was in to. That wouldn’t come around until he went to college. As time moved on his other quiet passion was making its way to the surface. You see Pop had a way with words too. He’d tell me how when he was my age, he’d scribble words in his notepad. From grandma’s living room it took shape to where he’d hit the stage. I smirk at the idea of Pop on a stage with a microphone but hey…I’m sure for it’s time it was something to see. He finished school but he told me as great as an accomplishment that was. The music was tugging at him. He regretted not pursuing the music when at the time, the resources and the team was all in place.
He still with all that was on his plate grinded out the music on his own. It wasn’t everywhere but those who came across it, really dug what he was doing. That was good enough for him too. Again, my old man was an artistic cat. At certain points in his life he forgot that about himself. Yet he decided at some point in his life since he couldn’t land a steady job doing what he loves to do. He’d become his own employer. From his small apartment, he began his operation that well…as you can see, has faired pretty well.
Along the way he learned to open up to people again after the many setbacks dealt to him. That’s how he and my mom got together. See with Pops, he can be a real dickhead but Ma was always two steps ahead of him, she in her sly ways. Outwitted him at every turn,ha…this is where Pops walks off in a huff.
Hothead as he may, I love that dude; he’s always, always, always stressing self-containment. Self-reliance, work what you got to get to that next level. Believe in yourself and have something to believe in. Yet with all that, see who’s around you, who comprises as your team. Cause with all that strong talk of independence, you gotta let somebody in from time to time. Pops, this is just a letter to let you know…yeah, I was listening. Still am too…
Love is love.