We made it through 2005 with some of our plans realized. We took the Biology class that was needed for a credit (it was a D but my GPA keeps me in contention). We took the THEA exam; we knew the Math section would present a challenge. We have to take that section this coming March. The surprise was coming up short on the Writing section though…by a point! So along with the Math, the Writing section has to be retaken. The Reading section was passed so that’s in the can. Oh yes…Art is my thing, I will go on beyond just substituting, I’ll have my own class year round. Currently with a job that pays less than my previous, I’ve fared better when it comes to bills. We’ll continue this trend; always watching the accounts, keeping stringent tabs on spending.
As for upkeep on the car, she’s had a lot of work done this year. New break system, transmission flush, new tires, new oil casket as well as regular oil changes. For 2006 she’ll get new wiper blades, a fuel cleaning and a coolant drain / refill, also the elusive registration sticker…whew?
Yukon Magazine is officially a stand-alone website. It’s continually growing (sup, Roc…couldn’t happen without you, man). Pulling info together from the folks over at the Freestyle Boards is good practice for when we conduct interviews in person. 2k6 we’ll be doing just that. First we’ll get our hands on a digital camera, a recorder and a light table for YM as well as creating a portfolio site (there’s some nutty ideas that could be added to the collection). Haven’t forgotten about those tees a few people saw me hinting at this year. Thank goodness for tax season…we could use that bit of scratch as seed money to bring it about.
And he’s still alive and employed…2006, let’s go!