Ok...so I was in Maryland 2 weeks ago with my brother and his family. It was good to see this guy after all these years. We were turning another year older...thats right,bitches...twins.

(Faces of belligerence aka "The Ice Grills)
This is me and brother Vincent at a bar fresh off the plane in from Houston. We had a few of those Goose and cranberries for ol'time sake.

(Little Gabby will get you)
See, me being the bachelor that I am. I'm not around kids that often. This little girl here, they wouldn't trust her in my care. Not for what i'd do to her, it's what she'd do to me. Matter of fact, all the kids...they just kept going...and going. Kids don't know what it means to just sit...but she has this smile that just melts my cynacism away.

(Cleansing of the soul)
There were a few more bottles around that didn't make the final cut...

(How a fridge should look)
I took this pic just to remind myself how one of these should look on a daily...

(The smell of hot lead)
Being that Vincent is in Law Enforcement, we we're able to go to the firing range to shoot .40 Caliburs. These hand guns go BOOM, skip all that bang shit. On the first round, I wasn't cool at all. The intial recoil made both my hands shake...than I settled into a groove...Guns are cathartic.
The Mrs.was ducking my camera the whole time...s'all good though...she got love for me and vice versa. Can't wait for the next time I head out that way.